All the Birchlegger Lists have been updated, including Member List, 20-30-40 Award Skiers, Alpha Roster, Rank Roster, and Demographics!
Go to the Birchlegger Lists Menu Option for all the lists.
A Membership Club For All Skiers Who Have Completed Twenty or More American Birkebeiner® 55K Classic or 50K Freestyle Nordic Ski Marathons, or Twenty or More Kortelopet 25K Races, and any skier who has completed a combination of Twenty or More Kortelopet and Birkie races. The Birkie is Part of The Worldloppet Marathon Series.
The Birchleggings Club Awards Breakfast Wrap-Up. Also, Birchleggers Membership List has been updated! See Lists in the Website Navigation Menu.
All the Birchlegger Lists have been updated, including Member List, 20-30-40 Award Skiers, Alpha Roster, Rank Roster, and Demographics!
Go to the Birchlegger Lists Menu Option for all the lists.