The Birchleggings Club Awards Breakfast Wrap-Up. Also, Birchleggers Membership List has been updated! See Lists in the Website Navigation Menu.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Birchleggings Club Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Election - September 28, 2018

Birchleggings Club Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Election

The Birchleggings Club Inc annual meeting with election of Board of Directors will be held in Hayward on Friday, Sep 28, 2018 at the Birchleggings Club Hut at Mosquito Brook at 3 pm. All members are welcome to attend. 

Timetable for upcoming Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Election
1. Aug 25, 2018 Non-incumbent nominations for Board of Directors due (to Tom Rowley)
    2. Aug 31, 2018 Ballots mailed / emailed to all members
    3. Sep 18, 2018 Deadline for returning ballots if voting by mail / email
    4. Sep 28, 2018 Annual Birchleggings Club Inc Meeting in Hayward, WI

The Birchleggings Club has been incorporated as a 501(3)(c) since 2013.  The election of Board of Directors members takes place at the annual meeting.   As per our Bylaws, Board members are elected to three-year terms, with one-third of the nine Board positions up for election each year. The Board terms of current Directors Jim Tenorio, Tom Rowley, and Gale Otterholt will end this year. All three incumbent Board members are running for re-election. However, nominations of other Birchlegger members to run for our Board are welcome.  Or if you know a Birchlegger member whom you think would be an asset to our organization, encourage them to be nominated.

Nomination process for non-incumbent members to be elected to the Board of Directors

All non-incumbent nominations for the Board of Directors must be presented in writing to the Nominating Committee by Aug 25, 2017.  The nomination must be signed by the nominator and the nominee, both of whom must be members, and five (5) other members.  The current list of Birchleggings Club members is posted on our website – 

To avoid having to send a chain letter around to all the signature members, all 5 signatures need not be on the same piece of paper.  Rather, a member can print their name and sign a piece of paper.   Include on the top of the page, the nominator name and the nominee’s name.  Mail to Tom Rowley.  If you are having trouble completing the process by Aug 25, please let us know.

Questions to Tom Rowley or Dave Balsiger.

Mail the nominations to:
Tom Rowley
13384N Red Birch Lane
Hayward WI 85432

Ballots will be mailed / emailed to all members on Aug 31. Ballots must be returned by Sep 18,  or you can vote in person at the annual meeting.  No proxy voting.

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