The Birchleggings Club Awards Breakfast Wrap-Up. Also, Birchleggers Membership List has been updated! See Lists in the Website Navigation Menu.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Help Build the Tony Wise Museum's Scrapbook!

A nifty feature in the Museum will be an electronic scrapbook (viewed on a large touch-screen). Visitors will be able to see, year-by-year, race photos, videos, the year’s poster and bibs, the winners’ photos and times, weather, race anecdotes, and more.

We invite Birkebeiner and Kortelopet enthusiasts to help us compile photos and other information on Saturday, April 30, 9:00 a.m. to Noon at the ABSF headquarters in Hayward. We have slides and photos that need detective work (location or year, for example, and Birchleggings skiers will be especially helpful with this), printed materials to categorize and select, and photo captions to be written. As Ben Popp likes to say, “it takes a village.” We need at least a neighborhood to join in on this compendium of all things Birkebeiner.

Be part of our history! Please RSVP (we’ll provide lunch) to or call the ABSF at 715-634-5025.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Birchleggings Club Donates Proceeds of Three Birkie Trail Markers to the Tony Wise Museum

The Tony Wise Museum has once again benefited from the Birchleggings Club.

During the Awards Banquet on February 21, 2016 we auctioned three original trail kilometer markers, mounted on a nifty plaque with a certificate of authenticity.

The result of the auction was a donation of $2,250 to be used directly for the Tony Wise Museum’s exhibits. This donation, along with a previous $2,000 from our club and contributions from individual Birchleggings skiers, brings the total donated to the museum near $30,000!

A big thanks to all the Birchleggers that contributed to this great effort!

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