The Birchleggings Club January Newsletter Just Published! Also, Birchleggers Roster by Rank List has been updated! See Birchlegger News and Lists in the Website Navigation Menu.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Boulder Nordic Sports added as Ski Shop Discount Participant!

Boulder Nordic Sports added as a Ski Shop Discount Participant for Birchleggings Club Members! Show your membership card when shopping with Boulder Nordic Sports.

Monday, November 28, 2016

New Membership Drive November 23, 2016 – January 31, 2017!

Join the Birchleggings Club and help support the American Birkebeiner – the greatest XC race in North America !!
Join during our membership drive November 23, 2016 – January 31, 2016 and become eligible for fine prizes in our random drawing.

1 Grand Prize - Birkie Registration for 2018
2  (almost as grand) prizes – 2017 race day parking passes
15  Other prizes – choice of Birchlegger ball cap, ski hat or T-shirt
For More Information go to the Membership Section of the website!

New: Swix-Birchleggings Club Branded Clothing Collection!!!

NEW: Swix-Birchleggings Club Branded Clothing Collection !!!
From Steven Poulin, President/CEO, Swix Sport USA ======================================
Hello Birchleggers,
We are so excited to announce an all NEW Swix
Birchleggings Club Branded Clothing Collection available on-line.
Swix has created a Birchleggings Custom Web store that allows you to order customized Birchleggings embroidered pieces and have these pieces shipped directly to you.
Swix has identified key pieces of clothing that will comprise the inaugural collection. We will offer two order windows for purchasing clothing:
  •   Order Window # 1.
    Place your order between November 23 December 1 and you will receive your order by January 1.
  •   Order Window # 2.
    Place your order between December 5 December 20 and you will receive your order by February 1 or earlier.
    This historic partnership between Swix and the Birchleggings Club allows us to do something really special. Swix will give back to the organization by giving 10% of the overall sales to the Birchleggings Club.
how to order from the web store:
  1. Go to
  2. Enter the store access code: Birchlegger
  3. Browse the store and select the items and sizes you would like to order
  4. When you're ready to pay, click LOG ON if you're a returning user, or click PAYMENT and "register" during checkout if you're new to the site.
  5. Pay online with your credit card on this secure site.
Remember Order Window # 1 closes 12/1/2016 !
Any questions can be directed to our Custom department manager Emma Collins at
Enjoy shopping and Merry Swixmas!
Steven Poulin Swix Sport USA President/CEO

Monday, October 31, 2016

Birchleggings Club 2016 Annual Meeting Minutes Now Available!

The meeting minutes from the 2016 Birchleggings Club Annual Meeting from September 2016 have been published. Go to the Meeting Minutes Page to read and / or download a copy.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Become a Tony Wise Museum Docent!

Equation: You Love the Birkebeiner + You Love to Ski = You Love to Talk about Skiing and the Birkebeiner. Correct? Picture yourself in the equation?

How about becoming a Museum docent at the Tony Wise Museum of the American Birkebeiner? Docents are volunteers in a Museum who guide visitors by answering their questions and providing information about the exhibits and the subject at hand, sometimes incorporating their own stories and experiences. 

The Birkie’s new docent program offers training, perks (a Birkie vest!) fun, and the satisfaction of keeping the Birkie legacy alive. Work on your own schedule – one to four hours, once a week or once a ski season – you choose what works best for you.

Contact Allison Slavick at

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Birchleggings Club Annual Meeting and Board of Directors Election

The Birchleggings Club Inc annual meeting will be held in Hayward, Wisconsin on Friday, Sep 30, 2016 at the ABSF office at 2:00 pm. The address is: 10527 Main Street, Hayward, WI 54843. All members are welcome to attend.

The Birchleggings Club was incorporated as a 501(3)(c) in 2013. The election of Board of Directors members takes place at the annual meeting. As per our Bylaws, Board members are elected to three-year terms, with one-third of the nine Board positions up for election each year. The Board terms of Directors Steve Carmazon, Toni Popp, and Dave Balsiger will end this year. Board members may be re-elected for a second term.

Ballots will be sent to all members on Sep 2, 2016. Ballots must be returned by Sep 20, 2016 - or you can vote in person at the annual meeting.  No proxy voting.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Help Build the Tony Wise Museum's Scrapbook!

A nifty feature in the Museum will be an electronic scrapbook (viewed on a large touch-screen). Visitors will be able to see, year-by-year, race photos, videos, the year’s poster and bibs, the winners’ photos and times, weather, race anecdotes, and more.

We invite Birkebeiner and Kortelopet enthusiasts to help us compile photos and other information on Saturday, April 30, 9:00 a.m. to Noon at the ABSF headquarters in Hayward. We have slides and photos that need detective work (location or year, for example, and Birchleggings skiers will be especially helpful with this), printed materials to categorize and select, and photo captions to be written. As Ben Popp likes to say, “it takes a village.” We need at least a neighborhood to join in on this compendium of all things Birkebeiner.

Be part of our history! Please RSVP (we’ll provide lunch) to or call the ABSF at 715-634-5025.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Birchleggings Club Donates Proceeds of Three Birkie Trail Markers to the Tony Wise Museum

The Tony Wise Museum has once again benefited from the Birchleggings Club.

During the Awards Banquet on February 21, 2016 we auctioned three original trail kilometer markers, mounted on a nifty plaque with a certificate of authenticity.

The result of the auction was a donation of $2,250 to be used directly for the Tony Wise Museum’s exhibits. This donation, along with a previous $2,000 from our club and contributions from individual Birchleggings skiers, brings the total donated to the museum near $30,000!

A big thanks to all the Birchleggers that contributed to this great effort!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Membership Lists Updated

The Birchleggings Membership Lists have been updated with 2016 information. See the Membership Lists section of the website.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Support Fellow Birchlegger, Paul Thompson, in the Cool Planet Skiers Initiative on Climate Change!

Cool Planet Skiers Converge on the Birkie

Feb 18-21, 2016- Cable to Hayward Wisconsin

Cool Planet Skiers (CPS) will be skiing in the 43rd running of North America’s largest Cross Country Ski Event, the American Birkebeiner Ski Marathon on Saturday February 20.

CPS  with partners I AM PRO SNOW and Citizens’ Climate Lobby are forming a coalition of Climate Solutions and Winter and Snow Protection organizations. They will be hosting a booth at the Birkie Expo in the Hayward,  High School Gym Thursday 2/18  from 1-8 pm and Friday 2/19 from 9 am-8 pm signing up skiers to be Cool Planet Skiers, pledge their support for the  100% Committed project of I AM PRO SNOW, and building the network of CCL chapters around the country (now over 300) to propose federal legislation (Carbon Fee and Dividend) to price carbon pollution at its’ source and return all collected fees to American households.

Paul Thompson of Edina MN the founder of Cool Planet Skiers and Birchlegging Member (skiers with over 20 Birkies completed) says:

“Having completed 35 Birkies I have seen the struggles our ski community deals with all over our country and world with consistent winter weather. We attended the recent Paris Climate Conference and the agreement made there now gives us the starting point to take local action to cut our emissions and to implement the new technologies available that can drive our economy toward climate and snow friendly policies. All that is missing is the political will and skiers are in the crosshairs of this opportunity.”

Please join us at the Cool Planet Skiers booth at the Birkie Expo, visit our web site and follow the action at our facebook page as skiers and their famlies tell us why they are “Pro Snow”

For more information or to schedule an interview contact Paul Thompson at or 612-810-4664

Membership Drive Drawings Winners 2016!

The following Birchleggings Club members have won prizes in our random drawing:

Marty Mattes –     2016 Raceday Parking Pass
Ralph Thornton – 2016 Raceday Parking Pass

Choice of Birchlegger T-Shirt, Ski Hat or Ball Cap

William Butsic
Bob Walsh
Todd Ostrander
Mark Gherty
Dale Janz
Vic LaPort
Dick Roeber
Jon Mommaerts
Gary Herdrich
Timothy Klima
Erik Minge
Jeff Pike
John Heimsch
Per Johnsen
Bruce Harshberger

Congratulations  !

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Birchleggings Club 2016 Annual Awards Breakfast Meeting - February 21, 2016

The Birchleggings Club 2016 Annual Awards Breakfast Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 21, 2016 at The Steakhouse & Lodge in Hayward, Wisconsin from 09:00-11:00am!

The address is:

15860 T Bone Lane
Hayward, WI 54843
GPS Coordinates: 46.002364, -91.486133
(off of Route 27 South of Hayward)

Phone Number: 715-934-4411

The Breakfast Price is $10 payable at the door.

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